Saturday, May 22, 2010

T&A :(

Brogan got his tonsils and adenoids out on May 11th. He was so brave, and only cried right when he got out of surgery. As soon as he saw us he quit crying and was so big the rest of the time :) He is healing fast and doing really good now. Hopefully he won't get Strep throat as much anymore! Thanks to my Mom for coming over to watch the girls for us!!

Showing us his huge tonsils one last time.
He got to ride in the wagon to the operating room.

After surgery :( A little sore and drowsy.

PreSchool Party!

Brogan finished preschool a couple of weeks ago. He really enjoyed his first year of school. For their end of the year party, they got to go swimming and bring their families. My kids had so much fun, I need to take them more often!
Brogan and his teacher Mrs. Harrison

Tanlie doing a flip off the diving board

Brogan and Brylie even got brave enough to jump off the diving board ;)

They all went down the slide tons of times, they loved it!

Brogan having fun with DAD

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We went up Kanosh Canyon for our first camping trip of the year :) We all had so much fun. We went fishing, went for a ride in the ranger, played some baseball, relaxed, ate, and had fun around the campfire. Hopefully we will get to go camping more this summer!!



Campfire Fun!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tumbling Review

All of the kids had their tumbling review last wednesday. They have all done such a good job in tumbling this year, they all love it. Right before the review started, Brogan ran into another little boy and fell off the floor and hit his head pretty hard. So he ended up sitting on dad's lap and not performing :( He did show us a few things he had learned after the review was over!

Quick Trip :)

Since the 1st weekend in May was cold and snowy, we decided to take an overnight trip up to Salt Lake and stay in a Motel that has a small water park in it. The kids had so much fun swimming and playing in the arcade, and Brandon had fun shopping at Cabela's on the way home.